B&G | Kate & ChrisDate | 4.14.12
St Louis Wedding Photography | Sal Cincotta and Ashley Schank
St Louis Cinematography | Salvatore Cincotta Films // Gage Williams and George Schank
Ceremony | Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Reception | Villa Marie Winery
Hair & Makeup | The Blonde Salon and Spa
Florist | Steven Mueller Florist
DJ | Sevener Sound DJ Service
Dress Designer | Rand Evan
Dress Salon | Formals
Cake | 10th Street Bakery
St Louis Wedding Photography // Salvatore Cincotta Photography
//Tell us how you first met? Who what when where why? Give us the dirty details.
Kate: We met the summer before my sophomore year of college. My roommate Carrie and I made an overnight trip with our current boyfriends to move some things into our new apartment. She had met and become close with Chris and his friends the previous year and I was excited to finally meet these guys she had talked about so much. Chris and our friend Tom came over to our apartment to hang out and have some drinks. The night was really fun but filled with my current boyfriend and I debating about whose high school mascot would win in a fight. I remember Chris telling me that when they left our apartment on the drive home Tom said he could see him and me clashing in the future. Tom then asked Chris what he thought of me to which he replied “She is good-looking, but she is crazy.”
Chris: I believe it was my fourth year of college, which would have been her second year when we first met. Even though I went to school over in St. Louis I was always hanging out in Edwardsville since my closest friends went to school out there. We had met and been hanging out with one of Kate’s friends Carrie the previous school year when Carrie lived in the dorms there, but this year Carrie was getting a new roommate from back home in Springfield and moving into an apartment. The day they moved in, my friend Tom and I went over to their apartment later that night to check the place out and meet this new roommate. Needless to say, Kate was in a relationship at the time and I do not recall if I was or not. When we got there it was Carrie, her now fiancé, and Kate’s boyfriend….Kate was in the shower. So we all started having a few drinks and then finally she came out of the bathroom. After a few drinks it was very clear she was very opinionated much like Tom and myself, as she got into an a 15 minute argument with her current boyfriend over whose high school mascot would win in a fight. As Tom and I left, Tom stated he could see us all clashing heads in the future…which we all have! However, we all became very good friends, and when her relationship had ended she finally convinced me to give us a shot and the rest is history!
//When did you know he/she was the one?
Kate: I feel like I knew before we really even started dating. We were very good friends for a couple years before anything romantic even came about. Over those two years we both dated other people but consistently hung out multiple times a week with our large group of friends. He was the person I turned to for so much and I was grateful enough to convince him we were better off as more than friends!
Chris: I realized Kate was the one for me when I was going through a rough time in my life and with school and she was the only one I wanted to talk to.
//Tell us about the proposal.
Kate: The summer after we graduated college Chris asked me “Do you want a ring or do you want a house?” I picked house so I wasn’t anticipating the ring to come until sometime much later. We were two weeks away from closing on the house we had spent months building. Chris called me at work to let me know that they had completed the final clean on the house that day and he was going to pick me up when I got off work to go look at it. We arrived and for the first time it didn’t feel like just ‘a house’, it felt like ‘our home’. We walked around in awe as he kept saying “I love you”. I would respond with “I love you too!” to which he would say “Do you promise?” over and over and over again. This was kind of out of character for him and I was getting annoyed that he kept saying it over and over! We made our way up to the loft area that looks down on the family room of the house. He got down on one knee and I seriously thought he was kidding. He asked me to marry him but deliberately didn’t show me the ring until after I said yes!
Chris: Originally after graduation, I asked Kate if she wanted to get a house or a ring…because I did not have the money for both. She decided at that point she wanted to get a house together. After months of looking for a house we finally decided to build one. Through the building process we would go by the house on almost a daily basis to see what they had completed that day. About a month before our close date on the house, I went out and got a ring. Then on December 14, two weeks before we were moving in our house I asked her to meet me at the house after work, to take a look around since it was completely finished. When we got there we were both pretty much in shock that it was finished and this was going to be ours. Once we got upstairs to the loft and we were looking down, I got down on one knee and proposed to her. I was positive she would say yes, but I was still very nervous for some reason. I later joked that if she said no, plan B was to just toss her off the loft!
//Tell is the one thing you love most about each other.
Kate: To pick just one thing I love about Chris is extremely difficult. I love how supportive and caring he is. He always believes in me even in times I don’t always believe in myself. He really is my best friend.
Chris: What I love most about Kate is that she is my best friend and knows everything about me. She often even knows things about me that I don’t even know about myself.
//Besides getting married – what’s the one thing you are looking forward to on your wedding day?
Kate: I’m looking forward to celebrating with the people that mean the most to us. Many of the people that will be there are people we don’t see often and I’m so excited to share such a special event with them!
Chris: Besides the wedding, I am looking forward to getting all of our family, friends, and family’s friends together all in one place and having a fun night with the people who mean the most to us in our lives.