Artistry Florist is a premier florist in St Louis. We have been working with them for over 8 years and they have been providing our clients with amazing floral arrangements and incredible service every step of the way. Here are some things to consider when researching your St Louis Florist for your wedding day.
Experience. How many weddings has the florist done? Look to see a portfolio of work to ensure they can meet the vision you have for your day.
Pickup or Drop-Off. Will the florist pickup or drop-off from your wedding? This will save you time and headaches on your wedding day. One less thing for you to worry about.
Alternative Options. Ask about alternate flower selections in your price range should a certain bloom be unavailable on your wedding day. Plan for the unexpected.
Will florist supply center pieces? This is important to avoid any unplanned expenses and can really change the look and feel of your event.
Day of flower delivery. Will the florist assist or offer an option to transport flowers from the ceremony site to your reception? The last thing you want to be worried about on your wedding day is how the center pieces will be transported.
Are they fresh? Where are they getting and storing their flowers from? The longer your flowers have been cut, the greater the chance they will be wilted and look dead on your wedding day. More experienced florists will source your flowers locally and ensure they are cut and stored as late as possible.
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