Names: Samone & Gene
Wedding Date: 2/22/20
Tell us how you first met? who what when where why? give us the dirty details. We actually met through my little sister Candace. I became single and she told Gene to text me and he randomly hit me up at midnight one night! I blew him off for a month or so before going on a date and 6 years later here we are.
Tell us about the proposal. (Did you see it coming, how long was it in the planning?, how did you feel? nervous, excited, freaking out?) We moved into our first house together on 11/22/2018 which happened to be our 5 year anniversary. We spent that day moving in and eating at my parents because it was also thanksgiving. That night while we were putting furniture together and unpacking. Gene was in the bedroom and I was in the kitchen when he called me in to look at the room and when I did and turned around he was one knee. It was so special to have that moment on our first night in our first home together.
Tell us the one thing you love most about each other. That we are so close as friends as well. We genuinely love being home together. We very much live in our own little world.
Besides getting married – whats the one thing you are looking forward to on your wedding day? Partying and dancing with friends and family!